9 participants maximum.
t’s all well and good to learn the language of a new skill, but actually utilising that knowledge and trusting that you’re doing it right is a different kettle of fish all together, which is why we need to APPLY our theory through practise!
This workshop is about putting our colour theory skills to the test where the focus is on experimentation and repetition to cement the foundations of our knowledge.
Over the course of the day we will be exploring the nature of colour and how it’s various elements create form and perspective in our paintings. After learning the theory of this process we will practise our skills across a range of different images and surfaces.
Whilst it’s not a pre-requisite I would highly recommend you check out the ‘Colour Wheel Basics’ workshop on October 18th for the biggest bang for your buck.
Beginner? Not a problem! Experienced artist? We can add some exciting new skills to your arsenal of techniques. Click through to the no-obligation INFORMATION PACKAGE to find out more about this workshop
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