I Can’t Draw 1 Day Workshop July 26 2025


Maximum 9 participants

9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Saturday July 26th, 2025 at Arts Tree, Wynnum West, Brisbane.

A single day skill-builder that will unlock unknown powers from your artistic self! If you think you ‘can’t draw’ then I challenge you to attend this workshop so that I can prove you wrong. Drawing is a skill, not a talent, so let’s learn it together!


Any questions? Click through to the  INFORMATION PACKAGE

9 in stock


$275 (all materials included), 9 participants maximum.

Tutor, Ali Gillett (Brave Arts)

I’ve always been able to draw, but I never quite knew how I got there, and I certainly didn’t know how to critique and correct works in order to make them better. It was a constant ‘stab in the dark and hope for the best’ kind of attitude, which has it’s place, but it meant that my successes were surprises, which isn’t what I want to build my creative practice on.

Enter the glorious world of Drawing Analysis: a set of tools that will allow you to create freely, correct kindly, and draw/ paint whatever your beautiful imagination wants to!

Extreme beginners to the more advanced encouraged, ages 15 and up welcome.

Click through to the no-obligation INFORMATION PACKAGE  to find out more about this workshop!


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